Latest News & Announcements

Training Opportunity: Implementation Research Methodology and Applications

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) has organized a training on Implementation Research Methodology and Applications. Please note that the following costs are fully covered for successful applicants: registration fee, training materials and content, meals, and refreshments during the workshop. However, you will be required to pay for your travel and hotel accommodation.

UNC TV and Radio Signal Switch ON

Dear all, 


You are invited to join the live proceedings of the UNC TV and Radio signal switch ON that will take place tomorrow, Friday January 14, 2022 at 2:15 pm virtually at the University of Nairobi's Youtube Channel. 


 Attend and witness as the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama switches ON the signal.

UNC TV and Radio Signal Switch ON

Dear all, 


You are invited to join the live proceedings of the UNC TV and Radio signal switch ON that will take place tomorrow, Friday January 14, 2022 at 2:15 pm virtually at the University of Nairobi's Youtube Channel. 


 Attend and witness as the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama switches ON the signal.


Dear All,

The University of Nairobi wishes to recruit a postdoctoral researcher on a full time basis to provide research and technical input to the African Climate And Environmental Center-Future African Savannas(AFAS).Those interested should submit their applications before the deadline

The deadline for application has been extended to 19th January 2022.

The details on the position  are provided  in the file  attached.

STUDENT LIFE IN CAMPUS - A Magazine of the Office of the Dean of Students and Career Services

The Office of the Dean of Students and Career Services has produced the First Issue of the Student Life Magazine that covers Student Life in campus and Career News strides and achievements aimed at molding students holistically and enhancing their employability.

Collection of Certificates

All Graduates of the 66th Congregation for the conferment of Degrees and award of Diplomas held on December 17, 2021 are requested to collect their certificates from the University of Nairobi Central Examinations Centre, Chiromo Campus starting from Monday January 17 2022 to Friday February 25, 2022 in the following order:

Locally-Grounded Research: Strengthening Partnerships to Advance the Science and Impact of Development

Please join the African School of Economics, Innovations for Poverty Action, University of Nairobi, and Université Norbert Zongo for the following virtual workshop:

Locally-Grounded Research: Strengthening Partnerships to Advance the Science and Impact of Development

December 14th & 15, 2021
7:00am DC / 12:00pm Ouagadougou / 3:00pm Nairobi

This virtual workshop will be held in both English and French, with translation available.