Title | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reminder about open Grand Challenges Requests-for-Proposals | This is a reminder about six Grand Challenges requests-for-proposals (RFPs) that are currently still open. We encourage you to apply and to share this with others in your network who may be interested. The following five RFPs will remain open until Tuesday, March 25th, at 11:30 AM Pacific Time — two weeks from today.
The following RFP will remain open until Saturday, May 31st, at 11:30 AM Pacific Time.
Read summaries of selected Grand Challenges grants, explore an interactive world map of projects across the Grand Challenges network, and sign up on the Grand Challenges website to receive email updates like this one. |
A4U Erasmus+ academic staff mobility to UPF: Searching for professors to participate as speakers at the UPF Global Week (Feb 2026) on Economics, Political and Social Sciences, Regional Integration | We are pleased to inform you that UPF GLOBAL STUDIES DEGREE is searching for faculty members from the fields of Economy, Political and Social Sciences, and Regional Integration, to participate in the UPF GLOBAL WEEK We will be glad if you can disseminate this opportunity among the academic staff of the mentioned fields in your institutions, since we have the current A4U call for scholarships still open and they will be able to finance the travelling and accommodation expenses if they finally are awarded. If you have candidates in your institutions that meet the requirements and are interested, they should send a message to silvia.vilanova@upf.edu (International Relations UPF) before the 19th March 2025:
Global Studies Degree coordinator, will be glad to analyze the candidacies received and will select and accept those wich will match better with the 2026 Global Week. Afterwards the selected candidates will be able to submit their applications to participate in the A4U call for scholarship (deadline 21/3/2025) |
Invitation to the 3rd Regional Conference on Land and Natural Resources | The National Land Commission (NLC) in conjunction with National Research Fund (NRF) has organized the 3rd Research Conference on Land and Natural Resources which will be held on 12th-13th June 2024. The theme for the conference is "Data, Innovation and Technology for Land Governance". The NLC extends invitation to staff and students to participate in the conference through paper presentation, abstracts and engagement with stakeholders. For more information, please follow the following link: https://www.nrf.go.ke/3rd-regional-research-conference-call-for-abstracts/ For feedback or clarification, please contact the commission through: conference@landcommission.go.ke or 0726848929 |
[tous-kenya] Scholarships for Masters and for research Stays from the French Embassy -Call for Application open until 31/05 | The Embassy of France has launched its call for scholarship applications. Please visit website or the grant Search Engine of Campus France. for the full call and application guidelines. For further information, please contact: Alexis WIEBE alexis.wiebe@diplomatie.gouv.fr |
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: NIW 2024 FACULTY-BASED HACKATHONS FOR BOTH STUDENTS AND STAFF | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlqqM1a1GQI Are you passionate about innovation and developing ideas to solve society's greatest challenges? In preparation for the Nairobi Innovation Week 2024, register to participate in the Faculties-based Hackathons and learn how to innovate! The goal is to prepare students and staff to be job creators instead of job seekers. The top three winning ideas from each of the Faculties Hackathons will get a chance to participate in the final Nairobi Innovation Week competition in 2024 Thematic Areas: ·Education ·Fintech ·Affordable housing ·Health care ·Environment and climate change ·Cross-cutting Sectors ·Food security & nutrition Faculties ·Agriculture ·Art & Social Sciences ·Built Environment & Design ·Business Management & Sciences ·Education ·Engineering ·Law ·Health Sciences ·Science & Technology ·Veterinary Medicine Who is eligible to apply & participate in Innovation Hackathons? - Open to all university of Nairobi students both undergraduates and postgraduates - University of Nairobi Academic and Non-academic Staff Important Dates: Application call open: 8th March, 2024 Clarification/ Question &Answer Session. about the Hackathon : 11th March, 2024 at 4.00pm
https://meet.google.com/dtw- Application Call Closes: 14th March, 2024 Selected and accepted teams Announcements: 17th March Hackathons: 19th to 21st March, 2024 Nairobi Innovation Week 2024: 8th to 10th May 2024 What is a hackathon? https://www.youtube.com/watch? What is a Pitch Deck? https://www.youtube.com/watch? Examples of a Pitch deck and some tools to help create a great one: https://shorthand.com/the- Register here: bit.ly/niw hackathon Please share this with friends and your community within the University of Nairobi. For further clarification please contact us on: niw@uonbi.ac.ke, startinev
Simon Bett
For: Prof. Margaret J. Hutchinson
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (RIE), &
Professor of Horticulture
Mobile: 0703126934
Apply for Scholarship and/or Research Fund | UGent Global Minds and Special Research Fund
Annex 2: Open calls Africa Platform of Ghent University Association
Annex 3: Calls framing within VLIR-UOS
Annex 4: Calls framing within Horizon Europe
[Message clipped] View entire message |
Fully-funded DAAD Scholarships 2024 - Call for Applications | The applications for the 2024 DAAD fully-funded scholarships are now open. Please use the link below to access the full scholarship call. https://uonbi.ac.ke/news/fully-funded-daad-scholarships-2024-call-applications |
2023-2024 University of Nairobi Scholarship | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Funding News & Opportunities No. 16 of 2023 | The following new funding opportunities have been added to the funding Opportunities Portal. Please contact our office if you need any assistance in the preparation of your proposals. Also, note that some of the opportunities have very tight deadlines. Opportunities are available for: 1. Research and Innovation Grants 2. Awards 3. Fellowships and Scholarships 1. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION GRANTS Thematic Area: Multi-Disciplinary Title: ERC Starting grants call Funder: European Commission URL: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/africa/news/erc-starting-grants-call Deadline: 24 October 2023 Title: New grants programme: High Impact Interventions – Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRDs) Funder: Burdett Trust for nursing URL: https://www.btfn.org.uk/new-grants-programme-high-impact-interventions-chronic-respiratory-diseases/ Deadline: 30 September 2023 Title: Mozilla Foundation Data Futures Lab – Infrastructure Fund Funder: Mozilla Foundation URL: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/data-futures-lab/grantmaking/infrastructure-fund/ Deadline: August 31, 2023 (Letter of Intent) Title: Emily’s Entourage Collaborative Grants Funder: Emily’s Entourage URL: https://www.emilysentourage.org/collaborative-grants/ Deadline: September 15, 2023 (Letter of Intent) Title: Responsible AI UK international partnerships Funder: UKRI URL: https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/responsible-ai-uk-international-partnerships/ Deadline: 14 September 2023 Title: SPRIND Funke Challenge: Tissue Engineering Funder: SPRIND – German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation URL: https://www.myresearchconnect.com/sprind-funke-challenge-tissue-engineering/ Deadline: September 30, 2023 Title: British Academy – ODA International Interdisciplinary Research Projects Funder: British Academy (BA) Deadline: November 1, 2023 Thematic Area: Agriculture Title: CLIFF-GRADS Fellowship Programmed Funder: Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) URL: https://globalresearchalliance.org/n/cliff-grads-fellowships-open-for-applications/ Deadline: 28 August 2023 Thematic Area: Earth & Climate Science Title: Wildlife Tracking Equipment Grant Programme Funder: Holohil Systems Limited URL: https://www.holohil.com/grant-program/ Deadline: 15th October 2023 Thematic Area: Education Title: Call for Nominations: Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development 2023 Funder: UNESCO Deadline: October 31, 2023 Thematic Area: Health Title: Alcohol Health Services Research (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) URL: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-23-252.html Submission date: September 16, 2023 Title: Personal Health Informatics for Delivering Actionable Insights to Individuals (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) URL: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-23-245.html Deadline: September 05, 2023 Title: Generating evidence for decision-making on the use of the oral cholera vaccine Funder: Wellcome Trust Deadline: September 30, 2023 Title: 3rd Share4Rare open call for patient driven Research Projects Funder: Sant Joan Deu Research Foundation URL: https://www.sjdrecerca.org/es/fundacion/ Deadline: 30th September 2023 Title: Precision Mental Health: Develop Tools to Inform Treatment Selection in Depression (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) URL: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-24-120.html Deadline: September 18, 2023 Title: Hearing Restoration Research Program: Focused Research Award (worldwide) Funder: Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) URL: https://www.scientifyresearch.org/grant/hearing-restoration-research-award-worldwide/ Deadline: Pre-Application Submission Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET), August 15, 2023. Application Submission Deadline: 11:59 p.m. ET, September 1, 2023. Title: Melanoma Research Program: Focused Program Award – Rare Melanomas (worldwide) Funder: Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)URL: https://www.scientifyresearch.org/grant/rare-melanoma-research-award-worldwide/ Deadline: Pre-Application Submission Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET), August 31, 2023. Application Submission Deadline: 11:59 p.m. ET, September 22, 2023. Title: MOMENTUM (Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health Care [MNCH/FP/RH] to Scale) Funder: USAID URL: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=kenya Deadline: September 30, 2025 Title: Advancing Methods for Safe, Noninvasive, Real Time Assessment of Placenta Development and Function across Pregnancy (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Funder: National Institute of Health URL: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-22-236.html Deadline: October 16, 2023 Title: Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Funder: National Institute of Health URL: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-22-202.html Deadline: Rolling basis upto September 1, 2025 Thematic Area: Arts & Social Sciences Title: Call for Applications: Africa Science Journalism Awards (ASJA) Funder: Science For Africa Foundation URL: https://scienceforafrica.foundation/funding Deadline: Thursday, August 31, 2023 Title: The Einstein Starting Researcher programme Funder: The Einstein Foundation Berlin URL: https://www.einsteinfoundation.de/en/programmes/einstein-starting-researcher/ Deadline: November 15, 2023 Title: Invitation to tender - Measurement of social and cultural infrastructure Funder: The British Academy URL: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/measurement-of-social-and-cultural-infrastructure/ Deadline: September 20, 2023 - 17:00 BST Title: T-AP call on Democracy, Governance and Trust Funder: Trans- Atlantic Platform URL: https://www.transatlanticplatform.com/activities/democracy-governance-trust/ Deadline: September 15 2023 Title: ESRC working with Luxembourg researchers Funder: UKRI URL: https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/esrc-working-with-luxembourg-researchers/ Deadline: 28 September 2023 4:00pm UK time Title: U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Grants Program Funder: Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs URL: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=kenya Deadline: Oct 19, 2023 Thematic Area: Engineering, Physical Sciences 2. AWARDS Title: Social Shifters Global Innovation Challenge 2023 Funder: Social Shifters URL: https://challenge.socialshifters.co/ Deadline: August 20, 2023 Title: Millenium Technology Prize Funder: Technology Academy, Finland URL: https://millenniumprize.org/prize/make-a-nomination/ Deadline: October 31 2023. 3. SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIP Title: University of Oslo, in collaboration with Aarhus University PhD fellowship, related to the Anthropology of Human Security in Africa Funder: British International Research Institutes URL: https://biea.ac.uk/call-for-applications-phd-research-fellowship/ Deadline: 1st October 2023 Title: Marbach Fellowships Funder: Federal Republic of Germany URL: https://www.dla-marbach.de/en/research/the-marbach-fellowship-programs/ Deadline: September 30, 2023 Title: Future Designer International Innovation Design Awards & Science for SDGs Innovation Contest Funder: UNESCO-UNITRAIN Deadline: September 30, 2023 Title: Agropolis Fondation launches Call for International Mobility Funder: The Agropolis Foundation URL: https://www.agropolis-fondation.fr/Appel-a-mobilites-internationales Deadline: September 8, 2023 Title: Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Sustainable Development Funder: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation URL: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/georg-forster-research-fellowship Deadline: October 2023 Title: The African Graduate Fellowship at The American University in Cairo Funder: American University in Cairo URL: https://www.aucegypt.edu/admissions/fellowships/listings/african-graduate Deadline: 15th October 2023 Title: Global Learning Scholarship Program (GLSP) Funder: Informer Connect Deadline: October 2023 Title: 2024-2025 Cullman Center Fellowship Funder: The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers Deadline: 29th September 2023 Title: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Funder: European Commission (EU) URL: https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/calls/msca-postdoctoral-fellowships-2023 Deadline: 13th September 2023 Title: Open Funding: Research Development Fellowship 2023/24 Funder: The Africa Research Excellence Fund –AREF Deadline: 14th September 2023 Please contact our office if you need any assistance in the preparation of your proposals.
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Nivea Beyond Borders Trainee Program || Finance & Controlling Graduate Trainee | Do you know anyone who is ready for challenges and full of drive? Who wants to work globally and set the course for an international career? Then the BEYOND BORDERS Trainee Program of Beiersdorf is just right for them! By clicking on the link below, the applicants will be guided directly to the job posting in our Career Connect. Management Trainee Finance & Controlling In addition, we encourage anyone who is interested in applying to attend the below online event to learn more about the programme as well as the application process: |