Latest News & Announcements

Nairobi Innovation Week 2022!

The Nairobi Innovation Week 2022 is here with us!

The Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Enterprise is pleased to inform and invite the UoN community to register for the Nairobi Innovation Week 2022 themed “Innovation for Transformation and Impact in the Society.”

KENET Online Courses for System/Network Administrators and Faculty

Dear All

I would like to invite you to register and invite the relevant staff in your institutions to undertake the KENET developed courses. These are online self-paced courses currently being offered by KENET at NO COST to its members. All you will require to undertake the courses is a laptop, Internet connection, and a commitment to complete the course.


The courses are as follows: 


UNESCO worldwide study on work engagement and burnout syndrome in university lecturers

Dear faculty, 

This institution is always looking for new ways to create a healthy, supportive, and motivating work experience for our lecturers. Along with these intentions, this university has decided to participate in a global study for UNESCO, that aims to identify what factors of the work experience are key to protect the motivation of  lecturers  and prevent excessive fatigue at work.

Training Opportunity: Implementation Research Methodology and Applications

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) has organized a training on Implementation Research Methodology and Applications. Please note that the following costs are fully covered for successful applicants: registration fee, training materials and content, meals, and refreshments during the workshop. However, you will be required to pay for your travel and hotel accommodation.

UNC TV and Radio Signal Switch ON

Dear all, 


You are invited to join the live proceedings of the UNC TV and Radio signal switch ON that will take place tomorrow, Friday January 14, 2022 at 2:15 pm virtually at the University of Nairobi's Youtube Channel. 


 Attend and witness as the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama switches ON the signal.